Total raised so far


  • Your target is £400 70% 70%
Bora Dal

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On the 4th June 2023 I will be attending Tour of Cambridgeshire alongside other colleagues from LSEG. We are supporting ATLAS foundation.

Luckily for everyone this is not my first time attending Tour of Cambridgeshire. On the momentous day of 12th June last year I managed to finish my first longest cycling on a single day – 50 miles!

Well, it actually turned out to be 54.4 miles, yes I was tricked. But later reflecting back I realised that those extra miles were already compensated through many guiltfree cookies I ate at the pitstops.

Per the announcement made this year it turns out to be the last of the Tour of Cambridgeshire – and I want to make it count. This time I will be attempting – drum roll – 100 miles sportive challenge!

A little bit about the ATLAS Foundation:

The ATLAS Foundation harnesses the values and community of rugby to support the world’s most disadvantaged children. All children should feel safe, loved, and have the opportunity to thrive as they grow up. But millions of children across the world don’t. ATLAS foundation is developing partnerships with people and organisations who have a positive impact on the daily lives of young people growing up in some of the world’s poorest communities.

At Atlas we believe that local communities are best at understanding the challenges facing their children and how to overcome them. We work directly with community organisations, giving them the long-term support and encouragement they need to deliver lasting change. Through these trusted partners, Atlas provides safety, education, food, physical activities, guidance, and community to thousands of children across five continents – giving them the skills, tools, and confidence to thrive.


£ 51.00
+ £12.75 Gift Aid

Well Done Bora!

From: Bernadine Burnell
Donated on: 8 June 2023
£ 25.00
+ £6.25 Gift Aid

Great cause Bora – well done !!

From: Danish Bhaiwala
Donated on: 8 June 2023
£ 20.00
+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Congratulations on completing the cycle Bora!

From: Jonathan Farrimond
Donated on: 6 June 2023
£ 20.00
From: Jake Buckley
Donated on: 23 May 2023
£ 20.40
From: Kerim Bozkurt
Donated on: 22 May 2023
£ 20.40
From: Prasenjit Niyogi
Donated on: 19 May 2023
£ 20.00
+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Good luck Bora, serious bit of distance there!

From: John Fraser
Donated on: 18 May 2023
£ 20.00
+ £5.00 Gift Aid

100 miles! Good luck.

From: Lee Hill
Donated on: 18 May 2023
£ 30.60
+ £7.65 Gift Aid

Good luck Bora. What a great cause.

From: Paul Breach
Donated on: 18 May 2023
£ 40.80
+ £10.20 Gift Aid
From: Gregory Holland
Donated on: 18 May 2023
£ 10.20

Thanks for being such an inspiration! Your dedication to making a positive impact is truly admirable.

From: Maria Araya Arana
Donated on: 18 May 2023