Leaving a gift in your Will is a meaningful way to create a lasting impact on children facing serious hardship around the world. Your own family and loved ones of course come first but we hope that, once you have looked after those closest to you, you might also remember The Atlas Foundation. We will use your gift with the greatest of care. We know you want your gift to make a difference and we promise that it will.

A gift of any size will make a vital difference. 

Why Should I Make A Will? 

If you don’t have a Will, your estate will be divided according to the law when you die. This could mean that your wishes are not carried out as you would want them to be. Having a Will is the only way of ensuring that your loved ones and chosen charities will be remembered as you wish. 


What Kind of Gift Could I Leave? 

There are three main types of gift that you can leave in your Will and all are hugely important to the Atlas Foundation: 

  • Residuary gift – a percentage of your estate 
  • Pecuniary gift – a fixed sum of money 
  • A specific gift such as a piece of jewellery or art etc. 


Do I Need a Solicitor to Make a Will? 

We would encourage you to discuss your Will with a solicitor to ensure that all legal requirements are met and that your Will is valid.  

If you need assistance finding a solicitor, you can contact the Law Society of England and Wales for guidance. 


What If I Already Have a Will? 

You should review your Will from time to time to make sure it still reflects your wishes. Whenever your circumstances change, for example if you get married or have more children, you should update your Will. You can do this using a codicil and your solicitor can help you add this to your Will.  


Can I Leave My Gift To A Specific Area Of Atlas’ Work? 

We really appreciate gifts without condition, so that they can be used to fund the greatest need at that time to ensure the greatest effect. However, we do understand that leaving a gift in your Will is very personal and if you’d like to leave your gift to a specific area of our work or project, please do get in touch with our team. 


Letting Us Know 

We respect your privacy, but we’d love to know if you’ve decided to remember the Atlas Foundation in your Will. Not only will this help us make plans for the future of the Atlas Foundation it also means we can thank you properly for your support. Anything you tell us will be confidential and not legally binding. 

If you do kindly decide to leave a gift in your Will to the Atlas Foundation, you will need the following information: 

The Atlas Foundation 

Registered office: 

Chargrove House 

Shurdington Road 


GL51 4GA 


Registered UK Charity No: 1161179 

Need More Information?

If you’re considering leaving a gift in your will to The Atlas Foundation and would like to learn more, we’re here to help. Whether you have questions about the impact of your legacy or need guidance on the process, please feel free to contact us.