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Rithy’s Story

Rithy Thea has a hearing impairment and is a former student of the Krousar Thmey foundation, who specialise in helping blind and deaf children in Cambodia. Our partners Kampuchea Balopp have been closely working with Krousar Thmey for the past nine years, using rugby as a catalyst for change.

Rithy has now left Krousar Thmey, equipped with the skills and confidence he needs to thrive. However, his love of rugby has meant that he continues to attend all of the events and activities put on by Kampuchea Balopp. Rithy says: “I feel so happy when I’m playing rugby because I have a lot of fun with my teammates during the training”. Rithy has also “met a lot of new friends who make me strong”.

We are committed to working in partnership with other local organisations, recognising that collaboration will bring greater impact for the children we work with.

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