Make Waves With Us
Little Sports Organisation (LSO since 2008) is a registered Charity giving children Education & Sports joy in Kenyan Schools and communities. Based on ‘Australian Little Athletics’, we’re organised & accountable. All donations are tax deductible.
Educate. Pathways. Jobs.
Educate: We use school sports to connect with children trapped in extreme Poverty & give them access to EDUCATION & bigger horizons in Life.
Pathways: Talented & hard working children are lifted into our Pathways development programme where they receive elite coaching, healthy meals, clean water, school support & a chance to earn scholarships to schools their parents cannot afford.
Jobs: LSO creates much needed youth jobs as coaches & we employ local mums as helpers & cooks for the children who receive meals every weekend at training. We also offer zero interest loans so mums can start a business!
- Since 2008 more than 274,000 children have attended our weekly school sports & life
skill programs, and stayed engaged with us for years.
- 137,000 girls have been empowered in our safe-spaces program towards self-awareness, self-confidence and relationship and reproductive health, to make healthy choices.
- We have trained & employed over 700 coaches and empowered them, their families and
communities with income.
- We have injected over $3.5 million into the Kenyan economy through job creation, building schools infrastructure and local sourcing of sports equipment.
Visit Amazing Places in Kenya
LSO team member Yvonne with students from Birmingham university
LSO is active in schools providing free sports, life-skills, art , music and life-skills to underprivileged students in primary public schools.
What To Expect
- Project donation of average 2,000 British Pounds to LSO
- Become a part of the LSO family; we are still in touch with volunteers from 15 years ago
- Curriculum Vitae Development
- Create lasting memories while making a positive impact
Volunteer with Little Sports
Ready to lace up your boots and create incredible memories to last you a lifetime?