£15,500 raised during Prize Draw For Poverty!
Over £15,000 had been raised so far the Prize Draw For Poverty campaign when it initially closed on the 5th January. The donation links are still running.
SKRUM visit Othandweni Primary School
Maro Itoje visits Team Talk in rural Kenya
Last week, Atlas trustee, and England and British and Irish Lions legend, Maro Itoje visited Kenya to see our partner Team Talk’s work in rural schools
Ocean View High School programme inspiring pride and inclusivity
Teenagers at Ocean View High School have been having rugby sessions outside of school term and create a space for girls to join in equally.
Maro Itoje visits the KRDA in Nairobi!
CEO Boris and Trustee (and England and British Lions legend) Maro Itoje are visiting Nairobi to see the work of our partners in Kenya
We have partnered with CC Grass!
The Atlas Foundation is delighted to announce that we have partnered with CC Grass, the largest artificial grass manufacturers in the world!
DigiBus Launch
The Atlas Foundation welcomes the first Atlas DigiBus, a pioneering initiative for children, employment, and communities in South Africa
Our first five years 2015-2020
Our first five years captured in a one minute video
Maro Itoje joins the Atlas Foundation Board of Trustees
We are absolutely delighted to announce that the Saracens and England lock, Maro Itoje, has been elected to the Board of Trustees. As an Atlas Foundation Trustee Maro will be legally responsible, as a Board Director, for charitable compliance and will work with the other Trustees to set the strategic direction of the charity, ensuring that Atlas fulfils its vision and mission.