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Atlas Champions are changemakers who use their platform, profile and passion to play a crucial role in helping vulnerable children thrive worldwide.
By sharing the Atlas Foundation’s mission with their audiences, endorsing Atlas on social media, attending key fundraising events or even visiting projects firsthand, Champions help us to make a lasting difference.
Explore the incredible individuals standing with us:
International Women’s Day!

International Women’s Day!

Today is International Women’s Day!  At our projects across the world, girls suffer from persistent gender inequality and violence that causes many young girls to leave school early, with many having no choice but to enter into child marriages, with little...
Help kids at TackleLondon in the Sporting Chance Prize Draw!

Help kids at TackleLondon in the Sporting Chance Prize Draw!

Creating change for young Londoners with TackleLondon TackleLondon helps children overcome Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) and trauma through regular rugby training sessions, giving them weekly contact with a healthy role model, and a reliable trusted...
Win an amazing sporting prize in the Sporting Chance Prize Draw!

Win an amazing sporting prize in the Sporting Chance Prize Draw!

Helping change the lives of young Londoners Your entries in the Sporting Chance Prize Draw will go directly to our newest project, TackleLondon. With your help, we will help young Londoners overcome trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) that can have...
Support our newest project TackleLondon!

Support our newest project TackleLondon!

Exciting news! Today sees the launch of TackleLondon, our sports mentoring initiative in partnership with star* scheme and The Matt Ratana Rugby Foundation. The new programme is a natural development of our existing work. It will empower young Londoners to achieve...
Israel Co-existence program holds joint Tag rugby tournament!

Israel Co-existence program holds joint Tag rugby tournament!

The Israel co-existence program recently held a joint Tag rugby tournament for friendship, resilience and co-existence with 5 schools in Haifa. All the pupils in year 5, girls and boys, from various religious and ethnic backgrounds took part in the tournament, and all...